A Few Simple Gardening Tips

A Few Simple Gardening Tips  

There are a few easy gardening tips that can help any gardener to have a healthy and beautiful garden. Beginning gardeners especially find these gardening tips helpful since it can often be overwhelming figuring out where to start on their own. Gardening basically comes down to these main aspects: choosing the plants, choosing the place, preparing the gardening soil, planting the garden, and nutrients and protection for the plants.

Plants, Place, and Soil

The choice of plants determines the place that the garden should be located, since some plants enjoy full sunlight where others need shade most of the time in order to grow well. If there is not a choice in the place to put the garden, then the gardener will have to choose the plants based on the type of climate and sunlight conditions available in that particular garden. If the wrong types of plants are chosen, then they are hard to grow and maintain, causing frustration and failure, which is especially disheartening to a new gardener.

Preparing the gardening soil is the next most important gardening tip for the gardening process. The soil is the foundation for all of the plants’ nutrients, holds the water to allow the roots to drink, and is the support for the roots to grow into and hold up the plant. Most soils are not adequate for the garden without having some mulch or fertilizers added to it so that there are more minerals and vitamins in the soil. Gardeners can create their own mulch through compost piles which cost the gardener no money at all to start yet produce wonderful mulch to start and maintain a garden.

Once the soil is prepared then it is ready to receive the plants. In order to help protect the plants from pests, another gardening tip is that it is a good idea not to plant vegetables in rows, but to mix other plants in with it so that it is not as appealing to insects and birds that see a row of a single type of plant like a landing strip of food.

Another way to protect from pests is to put netting over them which does not allow the insects to get through it, yet does allow sunshine and water through to nourish the plants. Pesticides are the most common method of controlling pests and can be very specialized according to the specific pest problem. There are also organic pesticides for those who choose to garden organically


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