Rose Gardening Tips
Plan First
Growing flowers is pretty easy if you are educated; these rose gardening tips will make the job fun as well as rewarding. Begin by planning how the garden will look:
What type of roses will complement your current flowers? Is there a specific color you want? Are you going to use beds or put flowers in pots on a small patio? Is there enough sunlight to provide at least 6 hours of sun? Make some notes about what you want before you decide to go to your local gardening center.
Also take into consideration the locate climate, find out what zone you live in and which varieties of roses are best suited for the area. Nothing is worse than falling in love with a variety of rose, and then finding out it will never grow in your yard! Your local garden expert will have that information as well.
The Right Tool For The Job
Every hobby has its own unique set of ‘tools’ or gadgets. Gardeners need garden tools, specifically designed to make the job of kneeling, digging, and clipping easier. The basics include pruners, heavy duty garden gloves to withstand working with thorns, a rake, and a short digging tool – fork or spade. It would be nice to have a kneeling pad (which is necessary for some of us!) and a wheelbarrow for carrying away weeds, debris, and cuttings.
Keeping tools in the best order is essential to keeping gardening enjoyable; these basic tips will help keep the garden shed organized:
Keep tools in a basket or container with a handle and pockets. If everything is in one place the basket can quickly be picked up for a trip to the garden. This is the place to keep glue for sealing ends, pruners, packets of rubbing alcohol, pads for wiping pruners, and miscellaneous but necessary items. Consider buying some bright paint or purchase electrical tape in bright neon colors, and wrap/paint the handles of tools. Your pruners and spades will stand out in the grass when painted electric blue, and be clearly identified as yours. No more wasted time searching for missing garden implements.Take time at the beginning of each season to sharpen cutting instruments, clean tools, and prepare for the season.Make (And Stick To) A Schedule
Set up a schedule for chores, pay attention to weather conditions, and watch plants for dryness. Gardening should be fun, but it does require routine maintenance and attentiveness to bugs and possible rose diseases. Keep weeds under control by weeding weekly or more often. Remove weeds and leaf debris from the base of plants as a preventive measure for mildew. Weeding right after a rain is ideal as removal is easier when the soil is wet.
Find A Guru
Whether you’re new to gardening or consider yourself an expert, having a place to find information about roses is important. Check with your local garden supply store about groups in the area, or look for one of numerous forums on the internet.
There are some fantastic eBooks about rose garden solutions on the market as well. Just be sure to purchase from a site you trust.
Keep Notes For Future Reference
Keep track of your gardening activities. Make notes in a journal and add pictures. The garden will most likely be your pride and joy and is an ever-evolving project. Each new purchase can be noted with date of purchase, variety, and color of the plant. Track the flowers, noting what works and what doesn’t work.
Make notes about its blooming patterns, even taking a photo of the rose in bloom. This can be useful if you decide to propagate your own roses the following spring when colors are not visibly apparent. The journal will allow you to identify possible issues as well as provide feedback when adding new plants to your garden. If you should have to consult a gardening expert, notes will be handy with all the necessary information.
You’ll want to brag about the garden and share information about what tips and tricks worked best. Be sure to take good care of your plants and reap the rewards of a healthy, productive rose garden.