Any good sites for organic gardening?

merloutre77 asks: Any good sites for organic gardening?
I am planning an organic garden, does anyone have any suggestions for books or websites that might help? If it matters, it’s going to be a large vegetable garden.

The answer voted best is:

Answer by sweetpea
Square Foot Gardening.

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  1. dont use human feces and pick weeds with gloves and stuff

    also i find that reading books and websites are help good too

  2. (my personal favorite) (more for farmers but a lot of good information for gardeners too) (to get access to the entire site you have to pay a membership fee)

    These sites should get you well started. All have a lot of experienced organic growers who post often.

    Good luck with your garden this season. my one bit of advice is to keep the garden small or it will overwhelm you by June and not be a fun experience

  3. Hi!

    On Hydroponics web site you can find some organic nutrients for your garden.

    Good luck! 😉

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