Autumn Gardening Tips
Autumn is the perfect time to start preparing the garden for winter. Indeed, the months of September and October present the ideal opportunity to get outside while it is still relatively warm, in order to tidy up the bedding and ensure everything is fully organised before the cold weather and frosts set in. Not only that, but laying down the right groundwork now will help the garden to reach its full springtime potential.
One of the first autumn tasks any gardener should tackle is the weeds, particularly if they have been left to run riot throughout the summer months. In addition to helping the soil prepare itself for spring, regularly removing weeds should weaken their persistence, thus encouraging them to stay away. What’s more, by pulling up any weeds now, there is less opportunity for them to spread their seeds and further infiltrate the garden.
This time of year is also great for planning ahead and planting both winter and spring bulbs. In fact, after taking out any summer blooming bulbs like irises or dahlias and storing them somewhere warm for the winter, it is recommended that they are then replaced with a mixture of plants such as winter pansies or evergreens and spring bulbs like daffodils and tulips. In doing this, the garden should continue to look its best and provide plenty of colour throughout the year.
For those planning to extend their garden, now is the time to do it. Due to the relatively warm weather and favourable conditions, autumn provides one of the best opportunities for new plants to put down their roots before the cold weather slows their progress. Therefore, any new trees, shrubs or perennials that are to be planted should be added now.
Autumn also brings with it blustery winds and stormy weather. As a result, it is crucial to make sure that any climbers are securely tied back, to prevent them from breaking.
The lawn is also an important consideration. To ensure that it survives the imminent arrival of the harsh weather, it is essential to remove any weeds and moss and to give it a last feed. Equally, gardeners that want to lay down a new one should do so before the winter hits.
Preparing the soil for the coming spring, as well as ensuring that it has enough nutrients is another important autumn consideration. As such, it can be a good idea to lay down mulch. For an environmentally friendly, low cost option, use the autumn leaves scattered around the garden.
There are many things that a gardener can do to prepare their outside space for the approaching winter. Autumn gardening is a great way to ensure the soil is fertile, the lawn is strong enough to endure the cold temperatures and the plants are appropriate for the time of year. And, a little bit of work now can go a long way to keeping the garden looking fresh and inviting regardless of what the weather’s like.
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