Peanut to the rescue! asks: Do you like gardening? What are your favorite things to plant? What was the first plant you ever grew?
Planting gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, like I’m helping one of God’s creatures along the path of life. Do you have a green thumb? I love gardening, don’t you? Can you give me some plant tips?
Oooooh, crocuses are pretty, I like tulips, too! heard they were easy to grow, True?
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Answer by schoolot
I love to garden. My favorite things to plant are anything with bulbs. I love the spring when my crocuses come up and then the daffodils and finally my tulips. I have hundreds of tulips in my yard of varying types with lots of different colors.
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My first memories are of grandmother working next door in her garden. She would literally cultivate rows of flowers…..from seeds, bulbs, anything that she could cut. I got to help her as all grandchildren did. When I ws nine, she told me I was old enough to cut the flowers for church……I was thrilled….then when I ws 11, I started getting to cut and arrange. My favorite things about gardening is to propagate plants…….anything I can get my hands on from seeds, soft cuttings, hardwood cuttings, etc.
I love gardening. My favorite things to plant are butterfly and hummingbird plants and fruit trees. The first plant I grew was a red bean that I sprouted when I was a kid. Yes. Yes. Plant tips–take the master gardner class if you can at your local county extension office, as not only will you learn more about plants that do well where you are locally but also you will meet lots of like minded individuals. Learn how to root plants so you don’t have to spend a lot of money on plants. I have a huge variety and it mostly comes from getting pieces of plants from my gardening buddies. And if you can root plants, be sure and root some for your friends and neighbors. You never know when your plant could die and you might need to get a piece back from them to root! Plant insurance! See what real gardeners are doing in your area (not landscapers) to see what will do well. Make friends w/ them. Most gardners love to have a new buddy to give plants to.
My favorite things are large, shady bushes.
Favorite veg. – tomatoes, because a little effort gives a big yield.
Most bulbs are pretty easy to grow.
All in all, it’s a peaceful enterprise.
I love to garden! My first plant I ever grew was from a sunflower seed. We were all given a sunflower seed in our Sunday school class to plant and then give to our moms for May Day. I was about 5 years old. When I was a little older, my dad would take us on hikes and show and tell me and my siblings all the types of plants and trees and how we could tell them apart from each other (especially the pine trees). We would also help him grow vegetables and he taught us the difference between a weed and a plant (so we wouldn’t pull up the plants when we weeded the gardens for him). I am now 43 and have lived in our 2nd home for 12 years. It was newly built 12 years ago with nothing growing on the property. I designed the entire yard and our neighbors say it’s the best looking yard in the neighborhood. My next project is putting in a water feature in a spot where my roses used to grow. I am now designing landscapes on the side for friends and family.
My favorite things to plant are plants that are different than other people’s in the area. I live in Minnesota and I have a Magnolia tree in my side yard, a daphne shrub, and a Corkscrew Willow in my front yard. Those are just some examples of the different things I have planted. My favorite plants I would have to say is Oriental Lilies and Irises.
When you are starting out, plant easy to grow plants, such as: petunias, Violas and Pansies. Those are annuals in my area. Check out your local nurseries and check out the low maintenance flowers, trees and shrubs.
Gardening is my passion and creative outlet. Probably the first thing I ever grew were gladiolus. Bulbs are very easy and there are lots of different types. Tulips – I love the different types and colors, Daffodils are so cheery and I enjoy the tiny ones especially. Hyacinths are pretty and very aromatic. Fritillarias, the large ones are fun to see, but stink. I love Alliums. Liatris grow more mid summer and have spikey, kind of fuzzy purple flowers. I enjoy the different types of lilies which bloom at different times. I seem to plant more lilies every year – mostly Orientals and Orienpets and Trumpets. I must be crazy about Peony Trees, since I have 9 of them in pots. I love roses and recently planted quite a few ground cover roses. I can’t pass by a Clematis sale without buying a few, so have lots. Specimen trees always entice me and right now theres no more room in my yard for them. Smoke trees are among my favorites. Also have a Weeping Mulberry and Serpentine Weeping Mulberry tree, and a Twisty Baby tree among others. I could go on and on, but will close and wish you Happy Gardening and would also encourage anyone who loves plants and gardening to look into the Master Gardeners program. The greatest thing is to be around other people who are just as obsessed about plants.
I look at gardening as an inexpensive form of therapy. Imagine the worst day at work you ever had. Boss is on the warpath, sales are down, equipment is broken, people called in sick so everyone else had to pick up the slack, bla bla bla. I finally get home and head straight for my garden. I suddenly don’t remember what a horrible day I had or what a miserable life my boss must have or when the problems at work will be fixed. it just doesn’t matter. All that matters is that my little oasis of green plants gets taken care of. When I am watering or picking or weeding I don’t have another thought in my head except watering or picking or weeding. It’s perfect mind release. I just wish it lasted more than the short time I have before it’s back to the real world. I have an incdredible salsa recipe that I make with everything from my garden. Tomatoes, peppers, onions, cilantro. Not too hot, just right. The kids even like it and they are very picky.
Orchids and staghorns. Both plants have special needs, but are hardy and resilient.