by Ennor
Miki asks: How do I turn a 6’x4′ piece of lawn with st. agustine grass into a vegetable garden?
I’m a complete beginner in any kind of gardening since I have lived in apartments all my life. We bought our house last year and I really want to start a vegetable garden but I don’t even know what tools I need or what to use to get rid of the grass. Please help.
The answer voted best is:
Answer by Sarah
At the very least, you need a shovel, a trowel (what I like to call a ‘mini-shovel’), a hand rake and a watering can (maybe a ‘Garden Claw’). Dig up the space you want to be your garden patch; any soil clinging to the grass roots can and should be loosened and put back. You can also buy a few bags of composted manure from Lowes and mix it in. Wait a week or so before planting, just to make sure that didn’t miss any weeds. If you did, pull them. Then it’s ok to plant. Good luck!
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Miki, check out the answer I gave to Naty. The same answer is good for you. (I’m lazy about all that typing!)