by David Harber
The Happy Atheist asks: What book would you recommend I buy that deals with Organic gardening?
The answer voted best is:
Answer by jimmiv
That is too easy.
The Encyclopaedia of Organic Gardening written by J.I. Jodale.
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Help your garden grow with
The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
This hefty volume was originally published in 1961 by organic gardening revolutionary J.I. Rodale, and it became the fruit and vegetable grower’s bible. Actually seven manuals in one, it covers general organic gardening techniques, vegetable growing, home fruit and garden orchards, organic fruit culture, organic nut culture, herb gardening, and growing exotic tropical fruits. Like timeless wisdon passed down through the ages, readers will learn why J.I.’s visionary ideas about organic gardening
List Price: $ 25.00
Price: $ 81.01
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