What exactly is organic gardening? I am planting basil and coriander. How would they be organic or not organic?

Stratomanssy asks: What exactly is organic gardening? I am planting basil and coriander. How would they be organic or not organic?

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Answer by B0uncingMoonman@aol.com
Organic gardening simply means something that is grown in a totally natural way: no insecticides, no pesticides, no artificial fertilizers – no artificial interference. That`s all.

But first you have to find some rich healthy natural soil – not always easy these days. You can never be quite sure what has entered the soil now – so much pollution falls from the sky with the snow and rain.

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  1. organic gardening means growing in an organic medium like soil or coco fiber also using 100% organic fertilizer no chemical or synthetic fertilizers also growing outside under the sun but you can still grow organic indoors with horticulture lights such as HID lights(high intensity discharge) which falls under the two basic lights or light spectrum’s MH and HPS(metal halide and high pressure sodium) the MH light signifies the long days of summer with a white blueish light and the HPS signifies the short days of summer with a yellowish orange light….basically organic is growing without chemicals and pesticides

  2. Organic gardening is long process,avoid chemicals,after 2 or 3 years ur garden ready for organic food

  3. all 3 answers you have are correct, one way or another
    you can of course buy organic soil to speed up the process

    you also have to make sure any seeds or plant you use are organic too or else your growing will be in vain

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