by serenithyme
Natalie’s Mommy asks: what kind of gardening crafts do you recommend?
I’m wanting to do some gardening crafts this spring and the only thing i can think of to do is some stepping stones (i know how to do these). I don’t have a lot of money to spend, but i’m wanting cute,easy and cheap ideas to help spruce up my yard.
thanks for your input!
The answer voted best is:
Answer by krawfish
gourds there are many type of gourds in different shapes to do many different crafts grow some then dry them paint em and hang em up for different stuff check in to em this might be what your looking for
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cheap. easy. fun. purchase some clay pots (inexpensive), then paint the entire pot a fun color. let your imagination run wild. with small containers of several different colors of paint, add details to the painted pot, such as, vines around the top, paisley prints that match the color of your house, or even a smiley face if the kids are helping you. i also like to make address stones. go to a local mulch outlet, which also sells flat slabs of rock. outline the address in pencil, then paint (i use model car paint). then add details, vines, ladybugs,etc.
little homemade signs made out of scrap lumber are really cool that say things like Please dont eat the daisey’s or Welcome friends or You can find me in the garden or peck peck here peck peck there my feathered friends are everywhere or rise and shine it’s flower time oh there are so many I make a few homade clay pots to they are cheep and they last for a few years you would be surprised what you can do with a few bottles of craft paint and a old tooth brush or even a sponge you just have to play and have FUN-OH and I like bird houses too!
Recycle! Look at the types of things you’re throwing away, and think how they could be used in your garden. Yoguert pots make great plant pots, and can be decorated by you or your children, for example.
There’s next to no money involved with things like this, and it makes your garden a lot more personal to you.