How build a wooden vegetable garden box?

LK asks: How build a wooden vegetable garden box?
I am planning to build my own vegetable garden box for the first time. Looking for ideas. I am planning to use a area facing north (plenty of morning sunlight). Area would be 4ft long x 2ft wide. Any suggestions?
Please give me all ideas and tips if you have built your own before (type of wood, height, dimensions, etc.) I welcome any suggestions!

The answer voted best is:

Answer by James H
What information are you looking for? Type of wood? Dimensions? Fastening technique? Soil composition?

Why do you want the box facing north? Is this a serious question?

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One comment

  1. buy some 2 by 8 or 2 by 12 lumber, redwood or cedar or any
    un treated wood. cut it to the size you want and nail it together to make
    a box or use wood stakes to hold it together. or you can get brackets
    for making boxes from a hardware store or nursery. just cut wood for the size you want and nail it together using the brackets.

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