I think one of my tomato plants has blossom end rot?

tasha l asks: I think one of my tomato plants has blossom end rot?
I read it may be from a calcium deficiency my first question is would it effect only 1 plant? Only 1 is like this. Could it be the epsom salt I used ? I used a bit in the soil when I first transplanted my seedlings I also use guano gro an organic fertilizer and rabbit manure. my 3rd question is if it is a calcium problem can I use the same calcium on the plant that I feed to my reptiles? should I apply it to the surrounding soil or to the foliage? would it hurt to try this just to see if I get results? I haven’t tested my soil all of my other veggies are doing very good and I have very minimal bug problems. (I have an organic garden so there are a few pests but not many) thanks for any pointers! sorry this is so drawn out I’m a first timer so any advice is appreciated.

The answer voted best is:

Answer by Jimbo
Garden Safe brand makes a spray for this. What you probably have is botrytis, a type of bud rot. Any veggie safe garden spray for botrytis will help, and most contain sulphur, which is fine for edibles. Sulphur is widely used on grapes and other crops. Good Luck!

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