by Jon Winters
jackie asks: I’m planting a park and need some gardening advice?
The park is in an area prone to vandalism, and I’m looking to plant species that will deter the vandals (eg Holly or Hawthorn). Can anyone suggest some plants that are attractive, self-protecting and native to the uk.
The best list gets the 10 points and my everlasting gratitude.
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Answer by Spam
Here you go, if this is good enough for the Yorkshire police it should be good for you
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You will need plants than are thorny and come back quickly when broken or damaged.
I would include;
Sea buck thorn
Some of the dog roses
Some of these are not UK natives but all are very resistant to damage. Have fun.
1.Ulex e.plenus,Double Furze.
2.Spartium.Spanish Broom.
3.Rosa Moyessi.
4.Rosa Rubrifolia.
5.Pyracantha coccinea lalandii.
6.Pyracantha crenulata flava.
7.Ilex aquifolium argenteo-marginata.
8. ” ” ” ” pendula.
9.Genista hispanica.
10.Berberis buxifolia.
11. ” darwinii.
12.Aucuba japonica.
13. “crotonoides.
A “Bakers dozen” with some to suit any ,soil,aspect and situation.
Good Luck!
I have had the same problem and I found that shrubs with large thorns are not always a deterrent —- some of the little horrors regard them as a challenge. One of the methods that I found efficacious was instead of buying 50 small shrubs which are cheap –buy 10 very large shrubs. If you plant mature plants they are more difficult to vandalise and also the hooligans are fooled into thinking they have been on site a long time.
I also found that in buying Holly or Hawthorn as you state, then i would purchase multi-stemmed plants at all times. A large multi-stemmed Birch, Hawthorn, Cotoneaster, Beech, Coryllus, Viburnum Opulus, Prunus in var. etc etc are usually left alone.
You probably know the shrubs as well as I do but my criteria would be : buy large shrubs 6 ft or more, plant in groups where possible and avoid stakes, try to plant so that the plantation looks like it has been there for years.
Of course you know that all this is sticking plaster for the social problems we all have to put up with.
Best of luck with your projects
Barberries are good candidates. They tolerate shade,attract birds,and best of all the thorns on them are brittle and tend to break off under the skin and are an easy source of infection. I have used them to good effect in a planting outside of a laundrymat. Sound cold?Thanks!
Holly -female plants for berries
Rugosa roses – thorns are lethal plants can grow to 8 feet – self supporting (not climbers).
osmanthus – prickly and variegated
Geranium sanguineum – recovers from most things – pink flowers.
Rambling roses – like albertine – good thorny climbers needs framework to climb.
Species roses – small flowered , can be grown into trees to brighten them up.
Eucalyptus – fast growing, can be coppiced to keep low or left as a tree.
Hawthorn,pyracantha,berberis(not native)holly,fatsia(not native)ribes,shrub roses