Is it safe to water a vegetable garden with menstrual blood?

Sharon asks: Is it safe to water a vegetable garden with menstrual blood?
I use cloth pads and soak them in a bucket of cold water when I’m done. Is it safe to use this water on my vegetable garden? I’ve heard it makes a great fertilizer.
Edit: Wow, I can tell most of you can’t read. I didnt say I’ve been doing it it, I asked if it was safe. Very closed minded people.

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Answer by Tess

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  1. um…. i dont tihnk so. but i’ve never heard of that. but blood is acidic, and that might hurt your plants. i would just through that stuff away..

  2. no you will end up killing someone wtf is wrong with you? thats how diseases spread.

  3. Why in the H**l are you doing????? Haven’t you heard of blood borne illnesses! You are either just plain dumb or so ignorant it is unbelievable! First off you will attract animals and secondly you are raising food! Do you drink your own blood products on a regular basis? Get some common sense and use fertilizer and some regular stuff from the hardware store, use compost or fish but don’t use human waste products that is unsanitary!

    By the way don’t invite me over for dinner!

  4. Well, blood meal is a very good fertilizer. That is dried & ground. I should think it wouldn’t hurt anything.

    I don’t think you will poison anyone despite the other answers. Unless you have some deadly blood disorder. Even then I still don’t think it is a “thing”.

  5. It may be safe, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It seems unsanitary. If anyone knew you had done this, I don’t think they would want to eat your squash and beans and tomatoes.

    I can understand your question if you are into natural living and a green planet and so forth, but surely you knew the risk you were taking by posing such a question here. The responses you’ve received indicate that your question didn’t go over so well.

  6. Not only the nasty yuck factor here but blood is salty and you may add estrogens to the environment.

  7. I do agree with all answerers, it is unsanitary to use menstrual blood in watering your veggies. Why not throw them into the your compost plot if you have any or maybe into the cistern?

  8. I wouldn’t. How about the lawn instead, not near the veggies? But why wouldn’t you put the water down the drain?

  9. Obviously there are some very narrow-minded people on here. I haven’t tried this myself, but I know there are several people that fertilize their plants with menstrual blood. It’s the same thing as using blood meal. You should probably dilute it before pouring on your plants, since too much of the nutrients may be a bad thing. I know people that use it for their herb garden, so I’m sure veggies would be okay too. As long as you’re disease-free the veggies should be perfectly fine for human consumption. If people have a problem eating them because of your fertilizer choice, it’ll be their loss. More veggies for you! Here’s a link for an online support forum for menstrual cups. It has a section on there for using blood for gardening (blood-other uses). Hope I helped!

  10. My oh my, aren’t some people a bit testy on this subject. I could see why you’d like to conserve water – afterall SOME places are in a drought. Amazing the reaction of others since probably lots of these people may use other harsh chemicals on their plants such as bug sprays and weed killer. Since plants do soak up everything, it would probably be best not to pour on your plants that produce food.

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