Is there a website that has gardening plans with pictures?

greasydame asks: Is there a website that has gardening plans with pictures?
I’m a beginner at gardening and don’t know what flowers and plants look nice together or how to plant them. So I am looking for a site that has examples of gardens and points out what kind of flowers and plants were used. I found which sells a kit but I am looking for something more detailed. It doesn’t even need to be a plant selling company. Or maybe a web site of experts that i can send a picture to and could label the flowers.

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Answer by SKY
Better Homes and Gardens usually has things like this. You can also check the Home Depot, Lowes websites for info. A lot of the flower catalogs sell kits.

I find that trial and error works well myself – I’ve seen a lot of things in catalogs that I liked but then when I’ve tried them they didn’t work so well in my climate (Maryland) compared to where the pictures were from.

Also depends on what you want to do. I don’t have a lot of time to garden so every year I ONLY put in perennials. But people who have more time often put in a lot of annuals (but then you have to buy more the next year and do it all over again). Also depends on how much sun, partial sun and shade you have in your backyard.

Some good basic perennials are: butterfly bushes, black eyed susans, ivy. The butterfly bushes and black eyed susans bloom all summer long into the fall. Some good bulbs are tulips and daffodils – but these are early bloomers and are gone by May usually. I also love hydrangea but my soil isn’t conducive to growing it.

Good luck! Gardening is fun – I’m sure no matter what you put in the ground you’ll enjoy it even if you decide to move it.

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  1. Garden Gate puts out nice and easy garden plans. You also get a shopping list to help you when you go to the garden center. You get a watercolor picture to show the garden and there are tons of options to choose from. The plants in the designs are generally quite easy to come by and you can substitute also if you can’t find something – just stick the a similar color and height when doing so.

    I recommend these plans as they take the guess work out! Best of luck. Happy Gardening.

  2. It’s slow right now, but when spring gets here, Better Homes & Gardens-Garden Talk forum has lots of fun and information in gardening. Most of us have been memebers since 1996 when they arrived on the scene. During the spring and summer we show lots of pictures of our gardens. We help each other out with gardening problems and we love “Newbies”. New gardeners. If you decide to join us, I’m Joy37 over there. By the way, you can show pictures and graphics there too. Here is the link (turn on your pop-up in Tools at the top of your screen because they do have ads just like everyone else):

    Go here and scroll down the screen for their Gardening Plans:

    You will want to put this link in your Favorites. It is filled with lots of gardening information:

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