Six Eco Gardening Tips ? Keeping Your Back Garden Natural
Now the cold weather has gone its time to get back in the garden and getting looking great for the summer. More and more people are moving into eco gardening as it is a far mare natural way of keeping a nice back yard whilst also preventing damaging the environment.
But eco gardening isn’t that easy and quite often people can slip into environmentally damaging methods without even realising it. Here are seven tips to ensure your garden is grown the eco friendly way.
Conserve water – Wasting water is one of the most environmentally damaging things you can do. Remember, water is precious and if he climate continues to warm as scientist lead us to believe then it will become even more scarce. Water butts are a great way to save water, after-all, rainfall is hardly a scarcity during a British summer!
Recycle garden waste: recycling is just as important n the garden as it is in our homes. Composting is a great way of not only getting rid of leaves, grass cuttings and other garden waste but also it can create great chemical free and eco friendly plant food.
No chemicals – Plant food is not the only place chemicals are used in gardens. Pesticides can wreak havoc on our eco systems and can kill the insects and bugs that can really benefit our gardens as well as the pests.
Do not use peat – whilst it is a natural resource, peat-bogs are crucial places for our eco system and their destruction to provide us with peat is highly damaging to the environment.
Avoid power tools – They may take less time but power tools are using energy and creating green house gases. Reverting back to a push mower will not only save you money and be more environmentally friendly but it will also give you a little exercise, although modern push mowers are incredibly easy to use.
Use lighting responsibly: light pollution is not only annoying to your neighbours but garden lights also suck power. Try using solar powered lights and refrain from anything that is going to cause a nuisance, Small solar powered lanterns and other garden lights can give off a soft romantic glow without lighting up the entire street.