by RDPixelShop
Rebecca H asks: Can I get advice on starting a small garden in my backyard, perhaps in buckets and where to buy seeds?
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Answer by prof610
You can plant tomato plants in 5 gallon buckets as well as beans. Actually, it is best to drill a hole centered in the bottom of the bucket and insert the plant or seed. Then just hang the bucket up on a hook or nail with the handle of the bucket. The plant will grow through the underside of the bucket, thus eliminating the need to “stake” your plants. Of course when you water them from the top, you are actually watering the roots of the plant. Herbs, can also be planted this way in buckets, as well as green or hot peppers. However, do not plant more than one plant per bucket. As far as where to get your plants, I would visit a good Nursery to make my purchase. They usually have better plants that are probably started in their own greenhouse rather than transported in. Good luck with your garden.
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You can also grow potatoes in car tires….excellent way to save space, and have potatoes.
5 gallon Buckets are great for growing many things!!!
just as was posted earlier…and for herbs….and for lettuce(if you keep it in the shade, and its cooler *say in the fall season*
You can grow green onions in buckets too…you can also grow a really good tommy toes/cherry tomatoes (salad tomatoes) in buckets too…usually one plant per bucket. and make sure you stake your tomatoes too!
I grew radishes one year in a bucket..they did really good!! and tomatoes too!!
I’ve bought seeds from Wal-Mart, my farm center, and Lowe’s…you can buy them through the mail too!
They are all really good places to get seeds.
Its the way you start them and where and just how much time you want to put into a garden…..
I hope you have fun in getting your garden started…but don’t get all stressed out….Enjoy and Have fun!!
hope this helps …and Good luck and Happy Gardening!
You can grow most anything in containers. Some plants are more cost effective than others, you wouldn’t want t grow sweet corn, for example. Last year most of our garden was confined to containers due to some construction in our yard.
Visit our website for more container gardening ideas at-
Good Luck and Happy Gardening from Cathy and Neal!