Julez World asks: I’m thinking of planting a garden I’m my backyard. Any advice on what to plant or anything?
Like I said I’m starting a garden in my backyard. Does anyone have any advise of what I should plant and stuff? My backyard gets alot of sunlight. Thanks for your help 🙂
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Answer by humpty dumpty
What zone are you in the U.S. – if you are in the U.S? The temperature average and type of soil dictate what will be successful. For instance I was used to midwest farm soil which is wonderfully rich and could grow almost anything but now have moved to a very hot,sandy zone and cannot grow vegetables, only citrus and flowers.
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Tell us where you are, what the soil is like, and whether you’re looking for suggestions for flowers or vegetables. Given how late in the season it is, by the time you can get the soil prepped, it will be too late for tomatoes or corn, but you could get some beans in, and then cool-weather plants like broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, New Zealand spinach or regular spinach, etc. Check out a seed catalog for more ideas.
Plant whatever you like. Go to your local gardening shops and see what’s available. If there’s anything you think you might like to grow, then give it a shot.