What annuals do best in partial shade?

sprockets asks: What annuals do best in partial shade?
I live in Los Angeles, so there’s a lot of heat and no snow. I’m just getting into gardening, so your advice is definitely appreciated. Thanks!

The answer voted best is:

Answer by Rachel
I put SnapDragons in partial shade and they did great and were so pretty.

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  1. I run a landscaping company in Southern Florida, so the hardiness zone is a degree or two higher but “Impatiens” do great out here in the shade as long as they get their regular dose of water.

    Actually, some of the ones I put in last October (in the shade) are still there and thriving!

  2. marigolds, hosta, shasta daisies, mums, petunias, geraniums, sedum, lavender, heather.
    Sedum is excellent ground cover and comes in many varieties.

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