by David Harber
A Patio Herb Garden
Your patio is a living space that usually looks bare and uninviting. You can maximize the use of this space by planting a patio herb garden. It will make your patio look more attractive and you will even benefit from the herbs that you plant in your patio. This spot can be a place for you to sit and enjoy the fresh “aromatherapy” air an herb garden can give you. Your patio herb garden will also offer you fresh herbs to use in cooking, crafts, and home remedies. Here are some tips on how to have the perfect patio herb garden.
Tip #1. Plan what to plant. There are a wide range of herbs to choose from. You can make your choice based on what you would like to use, on how long they live, the weather conditions of your area or how they look.
Tip #2. Plan where to place them. Make a layout of where you will place the plants according to their needs.
Shade lovers should be placed nearer the house and the herbs that need more sun can be placed in the sunnier location.
Tip #3. Choose small or medium size herbs. Herbs that are large are ideally placed in large containers or planted on the ground. It is better to plant the smaller herbs as this will allow them to thrive.
Tip #4. Choose the right container for your herb plants. There are many containers and pots you can choose from and these can match the look of your home and set the ambience you want. The right containers and pots will last you a long time, allow your plant to have enough space to grow and will give proper drainage.
Tip #5. Plant by groups. Planting a few herbs in one large container can be done by picking your herb according to whether they are annuals, biennials or perennial and have basically the herb care requirements.
Tip #6. Choose the container to match with your taste or decorate it your self.
There are ways of turning a pretty ceramic or glass decoration into a planter. Look around your home or buy what you need. Clay pots can also be painted with colors you favor and designs.
Tip #7. Be sure to use the correct kind of potting soil. Different herbs need different kinds of soil for them to thrive. Buy the correct kind needed for your herb or even mix your own.
Tip #8. Have access to water. Lugging around a heavy watering can may be alright for some people, but older people may have difficulty carrying it. Taking care of an herb garden is an activity that can be done by smaller kids also who can help by watering.
Tip #9. Make sure you can reach your plants easily. Having to maneuver around other pots and pieces of furniture will make proper maintenance more difficult. If an older person with a back problem will have to bend down, place it on a table. If kids will be watering, place on the floor or a bench that they can reach.
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