Battling Bugs Organically – Common Pests For Gardens and Homes

Battling Bugs Organically – Common Pests For Gardens and Homes

The battle of bug and beast continues. It doesn’t matter whether you are a farmer, an avid gardener or you simply want a few flowers in your front yard, sooner or later some sort of insect or animal will come to destroy it. The battle is coming, and you need to be prepared! Using organic bug control is the method we recommend for battling these bugs for obvious reasons. 

Your first course of action is getting to know the helpful creatures in your yard and garden. As hard as it may be to believe, not every bug is bad. Some are actually very useful little creatures. For instance, worms help to keep your soil rich with the nutrients your plants need to survive – and thrive. Bees work hard to pollinate every plant and flower in your garden and dragonflies are hungry for the mosquitoes which may be feasting on your family! So you will want to be sure to stay clear of the helpful creatures that have set up home on your property and only go after the destructive ones. 

So, which bugs and beasts should you worry about in your garden? Here are the most common ones to watch out for (and why): 


Mosquitoes aren’t just a nuisance – they can be dangerous – especially to humans! They commonly carry West Nile Virus, which can make you very sick. Citronella candles are an easy and basically non-harmful way to rid an area of mosquitoes, but if you prefer a more natural method, you may want to consider erecting a bat house since the average bat can eat thousands of pesky mosquitoes every night. 


Mice can be hard to get rid of in a home, and some may carry disease so you will want to keep them out as much as possible. One easy way to keep mice away from your home is to stop planting seed bearing plants such as sunflowers. Mice love seeds and if you keep these types of plants from your yard and garden your home will seem less attractive to these small creatures.

Wasps and Hornets

Unlike bees, wasps really don’t do much to help your garden, yet their sting can be very painful. Plus they have the tendency to build very large nests, leaving you unable to even venture outside for fear of being attacked. 


Slugs may be tiny, but they certainly can wreak havoc on a garden, eating away the plants. They leave behind tiny holes in virtually every leaf. Some simple ways to rid your garden of these destructive pests is to sprinkle sand around each plant stalk (the sand irritates them so they stay clear); or if you have a suitable environment, introduce some toads to the area – they’ll take care of your problem fairly quickly.


Anyone who has ever had earwigs attack their garden knows how quickly these tiny creatures can destroy a flowerbed or herbs. One of the best all-natural remedies to getting rid of earwigs is placing low cans filled with a few ounces of water mixed with beer; cooking oil or dish soap throughout your infested garden.

Many gardeners have relied on organic methods to save their garden from pests in the past, and these methods honestly do work. The key to success is knowing which pests are bad ones, and which ones can stay; then look for natural solutions to get them away from your plants and flowers.

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