Garden ideas for my new yard?

Laura Renee asks: Garden ideas for my new yard?
I just moved to Louisiana, zone 8b. My fiance and I bought a house that has just been built and is in desperate need of gardening and landscaping. I’m a beginner and need some easy, pretty, layout ideas. What are some websites and/or books that would help a beginner like me in this particular area? For example, I heard there are TWO growing seasons. Okay, I’m from northern Indiana, and we barely had one full growing season! Heh! What is the second growing season for? I also want to have a vegetable garden. Can anyone offer me any advice?? Thanks!!

The answer voted best is:

Answer by Matthew
try growing lots of different flowers, butterflies will visit u!

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  1. Contact your local County Extention Agency and ask about the local Master Gardening club. They can tell you what works best for where you live, from what varieties to plant to the best time- and location- to plant, prune etc. They can also offer book titles, websites, the best nurseries etc. If no MG club, the agent should be able to point you in the right direction. By the way, the second growing season is to grow a second crop. It’s wonderful to live in Southern USA!

  2. Usually your local counties extension office will have a Master Gardener program you can consult…they usually have a ‘hot-line’ you can call. I’m now working on my volunteer hours for my counties MG program and they are a wealth of information. Another thing I do during the spring….if I see a yard / garden I like, it is usually being tended by a good gardener. If I see the gardener out when I’m driving by, I will stop and inquire and ask any questions I may have….believe me, gardeners love to talk plants and if you find an established garden, the owner will be a good source for what grows well where u are…good luck

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