Garden Planning
Garden planning is an avocation that can be carried to extremes. I have heard rumors that there are actually places that pay people to plan gardens for them. No one would be that silly. Imagine being paid to do something that is well, an obsession.
Personally I have perfected garden planning. It is considered high art when I undertake flower garden design! I post do not disturb “genius at work” signs in preparation. Pictures of flower garden ideas drift like colors in your mind. Formal gardens, whimsical gardens, oriental gardens, rock gardens.All the garden types you can dream of are at your fingertips, if not actually in your yard! Somehow the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew come to my mind as a attainable garden goal. Better homes and gardens has a wonderful tool to help you plan layouts and colors. better homes and gardens flower garden planner. [] Its a fun way to spend a blustery afternoon.
Planning the layout and textures of gardens is very diverting. I can spend hours making lists from the garden catalogs. These usually arrive just in time to take my mind off of winter. Winter is relative after all. In Florida the land of sunshine, just a few grey windy overcast days,Can precipitate severe gardening withdrawal, fits or even swoons may follow. I think it is probably akin to those heavy snow days in the north.The kind that cause cabin fever. Give me a cup of coca and a couple garden catalogs, and I am happy. Burpees catalog another favorite of mine is the white flower farms catalog [].
I wont even mention what awaking to a frost with a temperature of 20 degrees will do to you if you garden in Florida. Living in paradise I consol myself with knowing that in a few weeks summer will arrive.
Then I will of course be nattering about heat and sweating in the summer.
I actually plan flower gardens on paper; I draw them out, several hundred dozen times. Of course I always find a reason to change this or that, depending on catalog advice, which direction the wind is blowing and whether or not its a full moon. Great bargains can be found if your patient. Then I throw the flower garden layout ideas in the trash and start buying whats on sale at the flea markets. Gardening is always good.
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