Garden Pond Designs

Garden Pond Designs

Everyone knows a great garden makes or breaks a home, some people spend more time in the garden than inside the house, with good reason too. Planning is the key to unlock the perfect garden pond. Let’s take a look at what designs are available to you and the requirements to build your own.

Before you even begin making a start on your garden pond, there are a few points we need to clear up. Safety comes first folks, a deep garden pond can’t have dangerous edges for children to slip and fall on. Electrical supplies used to power filters and lights need to be taken care of properly, seek advice from a qualified electrician if you are even the slightest bit unsure of what to do. This is important guys.

Now, depending on how creative you are you might want to go for a specific method. Pond liners allow for completely flexible shapes and designs (but this will be a lot of work).

Pond liners vary in price and quality so read the description on the product and match it to you requirements. A preformed garden pond is a quick and easy fix to getting your pond done in a day. Sure, it’s not overly creative. If your local store has only a couple of models, expect to have a few matching ponds with other people in your area. You can always jazz it up with a good selection of plants.

Concrete is another option, i recommend the other two methods though as it’s easier to ‘repair’ if you make mistakes. Then again, a concrete build does have it’s advantages. At the end of the day it’s entirely up to you and comes down to how time you can put in to a project.

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