Garden Wedding Favors
Garden wedding themes make for delightful weddings with a romantic atmosphere. Garden wedding favors make for pretty and unique gifts for your guests. So if you are having a garden wedding then here are some wedding favor ideas to inspire you:
1. Candle tea cups: Gardens in summer often make us think of afternoon tea on the lawn although few of us rarely do so these days! However, you could give your guests pretty candles formed inside miniature tea cups complete with saucers!
2. Afternoon tea menu: Following on from above, give your guests a menu for afternoon tea which includes cakes, petit fours, sandwiches and instructions on how to make the perfect cup of tea!
3. Flower seeds: Well, it is a garden wedding so seeds would be obvious really! Put your own stamp on them though. Mix together seeds of flowers from your wedding flowers or those of flowers in the garden venue of your wedding.
Make your own seed packets from decorative papers, you can find free templates scattered across the internet. Or place them inside small tins, cotton bags or card boxes.
4. Flower bulbs: Similar to the above really, although you maybe restricted as to what varieties you can buy. Two or three bulbs in a natural colored box is a stylish favor idea.
5. Potted plants: You don’t need to be looking for enormous house plants, rather small miniature versions of perennial favorites such as roses or violets. If you are green fingered then you could grow cuttings from your own garden instead. You may need to start this reasonable early to ensure they are developed enough to give as favors by the time your wedding arrives, a tiny little seedling in a pot may look rather meager! A good idea would be to give them when they are ready to be planted out so you will need to do some research to find out how long your cuttings will take to reach this stage.
It would also be a good idea to have a few more than you need in case any die in the early stages.
6. Gardening books: Look for mini books on gardening or plants and flowers in local bookstores or online.
7. Cup of tea: Present your guests with favors comprising a tea cup and saucer along with some good quality tea leaves and a tea infuser. You could raid charity stores or go online to sites like EBay and buy vintage cups and saucers, they don’t need to be matching and can add a pretty decorative effect to your tables.
8. Garden cookies: Always a popular choice, cookies show no signs of falling from grace with brides any time soon. Choose shapes such as flowers, bees, watering cans and pot plants.
9. Chocolates and candies: Put together small goodie bags or boxes with flower shaped candies and chocolates in. You could choose to give just a box of two rose shaped luxury chocolates or a bag of candies shaped like flowers and butterflies.
10. Windmills: Mini windmills are lovely when placed in pots in the garden and are delightful when the breeze catches them and sends them spinning around. Have them made in your wedding colors in a durable plastic type material which can be printed with your names and wedding date.
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