Gardening Advice
Help your home garden out with these time and money saving tips and ideas.
Get free buckets for planting
Your local delicatessen and restaurant are a great place to look for free buckets. Usually, restaurants get their food in 5 gallon buckets which they usually just end up throwing away. You can easily call them up and ask them to put some aside for you which you can later paint or decorate.
This is a good idea for starting a few trees or vegetable plants such as tomatoes and are excellent for different flowers that you can place around your garden and even inside your home.
Make your own compost
What most people throw away, you can begin using to add nutrients to your plants and garden. It is also the best way to feed your garden organically. An easy way to make compost is to section off a small area of your yard with chicken wire and pile up all your leftover fruit and veges, dead lawn and leaves etc.
Some people like to make compost in large old bins but you need to make sure the compost has exposure to plenty of air. One of the successful keys to making compost is layering. Compost heaps should have an alternate layer of green which should be composed of grass clippings and leftover fruits and veges and then a layer of brown material which should be composed of dried leaves, shrubs and wood. This will give your compost a good mixture of nitrogen and carbon based material.
Controlling fungus in your garden
Here’s a really cheap and simple solution you can make and use to to spray on your plants when they first start blooming. This will help stop them from getting mildew. There are only 3 simple ingredients:
1 gallon of water
1 tablespoon of baking soda
½ teaspoon of liquid soap
All you do is mix them all together in a spray bottle and use it on your plants. It is best to spray plants with this mixture early in the morning before it gets to hot during the day. Also make sure your plants are well watered a few days before spraying as this mixture has been known to burn the leaves of certain plants. Discard any old mixture and make a new batch roughly every 7 days.
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