by jeredb
Home Herb Garden
So you’re interested in starting a home herb garden but you’re not sure where to begin. Well it’s simple really, and certainly easier than starting a full fledged vegetable garden. Not only are herb gardens easier to maintain, but they’re easier to start as well.
The first thing you need to figure out when starting a home herb garden is exactly which herbs you will be growing. As a beginner, try to make this list limited to mainly herbs that you will use frequently. After deciding on what you want to grow, you’ll need to research them thoroughly. All herbs grow differently, require different conditions to grow, and different procedures for harvesting them. So do your homework and get a good picture of what each herb is like. This will also help you find out how easy or hard it is to grow each of your chosen plants. You may even decide to take one off your list initially because it is particularly hard to grow.
The second thing you need to figure out when starting a home herb garden is where you’re going to grow.
And for this you won’t need a lot of space. This makes things very flexible in terms of where you want to grow. You can start growing herbs in your yard, or indoors in containers, or even in hanging containers outside. As you’ll learn from your research, different herbs require different conditions. Sure, most herbs enjoy a lot of sunlight, but others grow best (as well as most flavorful) in shadier spots. Additionally, some herbs may be better in dry areas and others in moist ones. So figure out the best conditions for the herbs you’ve decided to grow and choose your location.
Now that you’ve gotten all the preliminary groundwork decided on, you need to get your supplies.
You’ll need your seeds (or plants depending on the herb you’re growing), soil, and containers if you plan on growing them indoors. Now when you plant, you need to know the right way to plant each herb, as each herb will need different soil and moisture conditions. You’ll also need to research how much the particular herb needs to be watered.
After you’ve accomplished these three steps, you should be well on your way to growing your home herb garden. Just keep on watering and caring for your plants and with a little patience and nurturing you will be rewarded with your own home grown herbs to enjoy in your kitchen.
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