How to Select a Garden Style
Article by Iver Eryz
There are many reasons planting a garden is a fantastic decision. While creating a heart-warming and stimulating garden, you can also grow edible treats. The focus of this article will be on some of the styles of garden you can create. When making this decision, you have to consider what kind of design appeals to you, as well as how much work and expense you’re able to put into your garden.
Japanese style gardens are now very popular, and these can be quite beautiful in a simple, understated way. The basis of these gardens is the environment, in the same way that Japanese art uses nature as the basis. You would include the natural elements that are in your garden when creating a Japanese style garden, so for example you’d use your trees and rocks. Japanese gardens usually have a very distinctive empty space. Japanese gardens are mostly made up of various shrubs and evergreen trees. This type of garden only usually has a few species of plants, to keep in line with the way real Japanese gardens are.
You might want to think of planting an herb garden focused around medicinal plants if holistic health is one of you interests. Growing herbs indoors or outdoors is not difficult. There are many medicinal herbs to choose from, and you can do research to find out which ones grow most easily in your region. Some popular choices that can grow in many places are Chamomile, Echinacea and Oregano. Insomnia and nervousness can be soothed by drinking tea made from Chamomile. Avoid sickness by utilizing Echinacea which has been used for many years by the Native Americans. In addition to aiding the immune system and other medicinal uses, Oregano is a popular Italian cooking spice.
Cottage gardens are like traditional European gardens, however they’re less formal and less structured. Herbs that can be eaten, as well as vegetables, are included in a cottage garden, and cottage gardens are usually more practical. The basis for cottage gardens were the sorts of gardens that were used by English peasants living off of their land. For this reason you will normally find edible plants, as well as some wildflowers and other types of pretty plants, in these gardens. Because these gardens are informal, you have plenty of room to modify the structure and size of it.
Your garden design will show others aspects of your style and personality. Your choice of a consumable vegetable or herb garden or a garden whose primary purpose is to beautify your surroundings is also a consideration. Of course, there’s no reason you can’t have both, as you can mix colorful flowers and nutritious and delicious vegetables. Your preference is what matters.
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