r22507 asks: I want to start growning my own veg, but dont know where, or when to start!?
Does anyone know a good website that will give me some ideas, tips and advice? I’ve not done much gardening before so must be easy to understand! Thanks
I live in West Sussex, UK. Thats why I want a good website so I can learn about all that stuff…
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Answer by mfiazah
it depends on where you live… the climate dictates what you want to grow.
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I grow veggies 12 months out of the year here, but of course I am in an area that will substain veggie growing year round..We do have a winter here( northwest florida,USA) and on my album I have pictures of icicles hanging off of my winter plants from a freeze a couple of weeks ago(broccoli,cabbage,radishes, varieties of greens etcetera.I know your winters are alot harsher there than here..but here is a chart for your part of the world of how to start and grow veggies in a garden for West Suffix..As well as A link to my garden pictures..about 180 veggie pictures here..
If you have enough space then you can start gardening. You need to check the soil too and decide of what do you want to plant.
you should try square foot gardening
Here is a general search “gardening in west sussex uk”: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=gardening+in+west+sussex+uk&ygmasrchbtn=web+search&fr=ush-ans
I recommend that you visit a site from the UK. Very nice people who can help you start a garden which is appropriate for your climate.
The address is http://www.accidentalsmallholder.net
As for particular garden styles for a small garden I recommend starting with one 4 foot X 4 foot square and try something called squarefoot gardening. Visit the garden web square foot gardening forum for information and inspiration.
Visit my website, http://www.redbayfarm.com for some pictures of my gardens and information about raising food all year round.