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Vegetable Gardening – 3 Organic Vegetable Gardening Tips For Newbies
Organic gardening has become very popular over the past several years and many people practice some form of organic gardening without even realizing it. Growing vegetables using only natural methods is known as organic vegetable gardening. Artificial chemicals are avoided when it comes to pest control, weed control and fertilization.
With organic gardening, the chances of your family members being exposed to harmful chemicals are being reduced drastically. No harm will be committed to the environment and you are actually helping to save planet Earth. Expenses such as the purchase of fertilizers and pests control products can be waived if you are into organic gardening.
The use of compost in place of much and fertilizer is a basic concept in organic gardening. You must also learn the basic techniques of how to protect your plants from diseases as organic fertilizers such as manure does not contain chemicals that will reinforce the immune system of your plants.
Organic Vegetable Gardening Tips #1 Soil
The soil used for your gardening efforts will determine your success because you will not be depending on chemical fertilizers. While you are planting your crops, you have to make sure first that you have a healthy soil of pH Value 6.8, however, pH values will differ for different types of vegetables.
Organic Vegetable Gardening Tips #2 Water and Sunlight
Water is essential to the growth of your plant. Sunlight is also another important element in organic gardening. However, it is hard to control the exposure of your vegetables to sunlight. Make sure that you choose a vegetable gardening spot that will receives at least 6 hours of sunlight everyday. Otherwise, it will not receive the maximum growth it should have.
Organic Vegetable Gardening Tips #3 Pests Control
The use of natural pest predators such as ladybugs, hornets and preying mantis is an effective alternative for pesticides or insecticides. If these predators cannot be found in your garden, you can always purchase them from nurseries or even online shopping sites like Amazon and eBay.
As for weeds control, pulling weeds by hand is more beneficial than killing them with weed killers as you will do no harm to the environment.
Sacrificing a small portion of the harvest to the bugs in order to provide their families with natural foods free of chemicals is definitely not a problem for organic vegetable gardeners. Composted kitchen scraps and weeds reduce the amount of waste that is deposited in landfills and sewers.
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