What is the companion plant of raspberry?

asks: What is the companion plant of raspberry?
I have recently planted some young raspberies into my garden and I want to raise them naturally and eco-friendly. This is my very first year of doing gardening. Does somebody know what should I plant next to them as companion plant so as to avoid using pesticides and all those nasty things? Thank you for your answers in advance! 🙂 [Btw. if you have any good tips concerning raspberries in general, I would really appreciate your advice! :)]

The answer voted best is:

Answer by vmcgui
Raspberries do not make good companion plants for anything. They should be kept clean of weeds, and that means mulch and sometimes hand weeding. Planting flowers or anything else among them would only complicate a situation that is already bad enough.

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  1. Tansy is good. Marigolds slightly farther away won’t hurt, either.

    You want good sun exposure.

    Make sure the soil pH is right around 6.0, too, to insure maximum growth. Adjust with lime or gypsum if lower; with sulfur if higher.

    With all that in mind, please note that it will not be enough to prevent all problems. Vigilance is essential organic gardening, so plan on finding unwanted visitors and be prepared to act. Keep neem oil on hand as well as rotenone.

  2. Dill attracts small insects, which will draw larger pollenating insects, and they won’t crowd out your plants. Batchelor buttons are much the same way. I have them naturalized together in a plot. I get to pick some for bouquets and berries at the same time. Raspberries hate blackberries and strawberries, so don’t try mixing them.

    I have never found anything other than dill that does especially well with raspberries.

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