A Deck and Garden Area is a Great Way to Relax
As everyone knows, summer is a time of magical enjoyment. Long, warm summer days and breezy summer nights have inspired many romantic movies and books for generations. For many people, the best part of summer is enjoying their deck and garden.
If you are one of the fortunate who has your own deck and garden, count your blessings. If you long for your own deck and garden but haven’t had the time (or perhaps the space) to install them, here are some tips to get you started:
Think about it right now and start planning. It doesn’t matter if it is summer, spring, fall or winter, planning for a deck and garden area can be done anytime. Start by measuring your outdoor area. If you have a large yard, you can plan for a deck and garden area that is grand enough to entertain plenty of guests and friends. If you are in a city or on a small plot of land, you may have to work with a very small area for planning your deck and garden area.
Architects utilize scale, purpose and style when designing a deck and garden area. They ask questions of their clients like: how many people do you need to accommodate most of the time? Will children be using the deck and garden area, or will it be a more adult setting? Are there any hot tubs, fire pits, water elements or other considerations that the client would prefer? What does the client image a perfect garden would consist of?
Answering these questions on your own before starting a deck and garden project is a wise idea. If you are unsure of your responses, talk to friends and neighbors about their own deck and garden areas. Are they heavily used? Who designed them? Did they build their own deck or plant their own garden? Could they recommend anyone who could help?
For example, gardens are a very taste specific project. Some people want to have a garden consisting of beautiful flowers, trees, shrubs and bushes. Others want the purpose of their garden to be to attract birds or butterflies. These people would be wise to buy butterfly bushes and install hummingbird feeders as accents in the garden.
In today’s rough and tumble economy many people see garden areas as a practical tool to lower food bills and help them save money. Canning fruit has become a trendy pastime of both young families and old. In fact, one of the hottest items sold today on the Internet are good old-fashioned canning jars from bygone days. Canning and cooking lessons often fill up within hours or days of being posted.
A deck is a great way to relax outside and enjoy your new garden. For many, a deck and garden area is a must have when buying real estate. Realtors will tell you that all other aspects being equal, location and yard space will often sell a house. For families with small children, a deck and garden area can be a great way to keep an eye on the kids while they play, yet still allow you to enjoy some peace and quiet or a nice cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. As an investment, a well-done deck and garden area can bring many happy returns.