A White Garden

A White Garden

Gardens in summer burst with color, so it may seem very strange to restrict yourself to those with white flowers or blossoms, but if you’ve ever seen a white garden you know how the simplicity of the color scheme somehow adds elegance and sophistication. White gardens are more than beautiful during the day, but they have one outstanding feature which makes them ideal for anyone who enjoys entertaining in the garden, they look fantastic at night.

Whether you view the garden with the benefit of outdoor lighting, or just the gentle glow of the moon and the stars, you’ll see that unlike the bright colorful blooms which disappear into the night-time shadows, white flowers gleam at night. By moonlight it almost seems as if they glow. If like many, you enjoy your garden at night, why not use all the facilities of the Internet and create your own white garden. You can design with white blooms in mind, or simply select the flowers and plants you would normally choose and opt for the white variety, there almost always is one!

White gardens have been famous throughout history, but the garden at Sissinghurst in Kent in the UK is probably one of the best known of modern times and draws visitors from all over the world. It was designed by Vita Sackville-West a poet and gardening writer, and her husband Sir Harold Nicholson who was an author and diplomat. The garden itself was designed as a series of ‘rooms’ each having a different color or theme; all are divided by high trimmed hedges and pink brick walls, the White Garden is the most famous of these intimate and romantic places.

To avoid boredom, vary the height and texture of the plants in your white garden. Variegated ivies and hops can scramble over walls and fences creating bright splashes of white and cream amidst the green. White snowdrops, crocus and daffodils will delight they eye through spring, while trees bearing white blossom, tulips, roses and hydrangea will greet the summer sun. In autumn white dahlias and chrysanthemums are ideal and in the darkest days of winter, holly, bearing white berries, and winter flowering white heather will offer the white garden with its color. Many variegated foliage plants become more important when not overshadowed by bright, showy blooms. Dwarf evergreens, specimen trees or uniquely shaped shrubs will hold the attention, while the right garden bench and table will allow you to sit and enjoy the calm, cool elegance of your white garden. At night, bring tables laden with food and candlelight as well as lanterns to hang from the branches of your trees and augment the soft glow of the white blooms. Huge white Casablanca lilies can scent a whole garden and at other times jasmine, white lilac, white lavender and roses will make sure that outdoor events in your white garden are always remembered.

Twenty Five Plants for the Perfect White Garden:-

1. Roses, – Iceberg, Polar Star, Margaret Merrill, Moondance,

2. White Daffodils – Ice Follies, Sir Winston Churchill, Bridal Crown.

3. White Crocuses – Jeanne d’Arc.

4. Tulip – Concerto.

5. Double Tulip – Mondial

6. Daffodil – Tahlia, is a long-lasting, pure white and beautifully scented.

7. Lily of the Valley.

8. Iris – Champagne Elegance.

9. Bearded Iris – Snowy Wonderland.

10. Double Mock Orange.

11. Alliums – Mount Everest

12. Blazing star.

13. Phlox – White Delight (ground cover)

14. Crazy Daisy (Shasta Daisy)

15. White Dogwood Tree.

16. Casablanca Lillies wonderful in the height of summer.

17. White Hydrangea – Annabelle, produces 10″ heads, stunning. Beaute Vendomaise, a beautiful ‘lace cap’.

18. White Lavender. (Alba)

19. Gladiolus ‘Prosperity’.

20. White heather – the symbol of good luck

21. Snowdrops.

22. Jasmine.

23. White Winterberry (Ilex Serrata Leucocarpa). Is a deciduous holly which has white berries and green summer foliage

24. Clematis – Duchess of Edinburgh.

25. The Autumn Cherry has white flowers in spring and fall.

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