Container Gardening – Picking The Right Plant Containers

Container Gardening – Picking The Right Plant Containers

Article by Georg

One of the most enjoyable times with container gardening is creating a garden design. Containers can be just about anything that will support the weight of a moist potting soil mix and the plant life you choose to grow. Drainage is the only other element that needs attention when choosing the proper container for your project.

Pots, tubs, old wheelbarrows and even old boots or shoes can all be used effectively in container gardening, and they all can add their own unique characteristics to your design. Mixing an assortment of different style containers is also a way to add your own personal touch, container gardens all have their own personality.

Your imagination is the limit when it comes to designing a container garden. Start out simple with just a few basic pots. Them start by arranging them to fit the area you have chosen, even if it means spreading them a part. Once you have the basic containers in place, you can start filling in the empty spaces between the larger container with a few small accent pieces. These can be smaller containers, or even a few out of the ordinary items like an old watering can, or a pair of old shoes. These out of the ordinary containers can add the accent you have been looking for to your design.

There are endless combination when it comes to designing a container garden. In the background of your garden you can add larger objects like an old wheelbarrow, either in the upright position, or laid on their side. Chairs are another option alongside the garden for a place to set a container on or to be used as a place to relax and enjoy your garden.

Container gardening is one of the most creative methods of gardening. It brings out the personality of the person that designs it, and sets a mood like no other garden can. The one advantage with container garden that no other method has, is that this type of garden is not stationary. It can be relocated to other areas of your yard if desired. Some containers can be quit heavy once filled with potting soil and plants, so moving some containers can take some effort.

Berries, flowers, fruits, herbs, and vegetables all can be grown in containers. Mixing a variety of these plants all together can provide a very interesting look to your design, and serve more than one purpose.

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