Design The Perfect Vegetable Garden To Suit Your Dinner Table
Article by Ann Marier
When you are looking to start your own vegetable garden, you have a few decisions to make. First of all, you have to decide what kind of vegetables you want to include. You have to decide how many of each plant type you want to include and you have to decide where to place your garden.
The placement of your garden is the most important part. You want to choose a place that gets plenty of sunlight and you want to make sure that your garden is big enough for the one that you have in mind. Once you have your spot picked out and your seeds in hand, it’s time to design the perfect vegetable garden.
Pick Out A Spot
To choose a spot for your vegetable garden, pick a spot near your house or at least where you can keep an eye on it. You shouldn’t be worried too much about people coming into your garden and messing things up but you want to be especially worried about rodents, pests and other animals who might see your vegetable garden design as some help yourself buffet. Once you have your plot picked out, you might want to line it with chicken wire to keep it safe from those same pests.
The size of your garden is important as you want to make sure that your plants have enough room to grow and flourish. When creating your vegetable garden design, you want to make sure that each seed is placed at least six inches apart. Any less than that and you risk overcrowding, which means that your vegetable garden may not produce as much as you hope.
When you have the spot picked out and you deem it large enough for all the vegetables that you plan to sow, make lines in the soil with your finger or a garden tool. These lines should lead the long ways across the garden, at least six inches apart as stated above. Once you have the lines in the soil drawn, drop your seeds into the divots that you made, again about six inches apart. Cover the holes with soil and water thoroughly. If you wish, you can insert some plant food sticks that you can get at your local home and garden store to give them the extra nutrients they need to grow big and strong.
Make sure you water your vegetable garden thoroughly every day and keep a close eye on it. The most important part of your vegetable garden design is proper maintenance. By paying attention to your plants, you will begin to notice when they are in need of certain things, such as water, certain nutrients and even sunlight.
The perfect vegetable garden design is all about what you are looking for whenever you break ground to plant your seeds. There really is no wrong vegetable garden design. As long as your garden produces and you get the vegetables you set out to grow, you have the perfect vegetable garden design.
About the Author
Ann Marier has written articles on house and garden topics providing helpful tips and advice. Read all about her latest articles on types of garden design offering a new insight into Garden design
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