Design Your Garden
Before designing any garden our first and foremost concern is to allocate the appropriate space in the garden. Whenever you aim to design a garden, bear these three points in your mind.
– Recreation - Self-sufficiency - Provision of habitats for wildlife
Along with the allocation of the space, it is also important to define each space for specific function as we define space for different functions in our homes. This is a very important step in organizing your garden. Using space to its maximum potential is a trait of good garden. You have to utilize all the things like available sunlight, shelter from the wind and other essential factors.
By arranging plants in different shapes and sizes can help you to design your garden. But trimming different plants in different shapes, arranging trellises and pergolas to support the plants or letting the plants grow wild can be a great experience.
Another way to design your garden is landscaping. If you have any slope part in the area you can use it to maximum effect by terracing. Paving is a great way to design the garden. For giving a particular character to your garden place you can use formal shapes, spiral or tessellations.
By defining and designing the circulation routes you can give a structure to your garden. What you need to do is to use the space with precision. It does not mean to lay too much emphasis on one area and ignoring the other. A complete harmony is needed between all the areas of the garden to give soothing and eye glistening looks to your garden.
Making Most out of Little Things
In case you have a small garden, you have to plan a structure which can give you maximum out of the available space. For small space it is better to use small or miniature versions of plant to have the maximum from the limited space. Using small paving and light can improve the looks of the garden drastically. Planting light color plants or whitewashing the surrounded walls can in some way makes you feel the space in a garden. In small garden it is difficult to grow trees, but there are alternative ways to overcome this issue. You can use trellis or pergola with the plants which can climb up to them like clematis or runner beans. Also you can grow tree to which you can trained to spread flat against the wall like an espalier.
Growing your Garden up Walls
The plants which usually grow on the side of a house can serve different functions. They just not only add to the structure of the garden but they also keep the out walls of the house safe from the rain. They deflect the rain water and act as insulation. Lessen the chances of the frost inside the house. They give a colorful appearance to your facades and most importantly birds use them as their habitats. They also result in providing the fresh air.
A large range of such plants are present which can be used for this purpose. It is better to plant evergreens. They provide the protection throughout the year. Ivy, privet, wisteria and many other such plants are available which you can grow on the sides of your walls and with perfect control and proper trimming you can easily get the desired results. Privet and wisteria are the plants which can grow to variable heights. You can use them to cover the outer walls.
Container Gardening
Container gardening is a favorable past time for those who do not have a proper gardening space. The most common form of container gardening is window boxes. Window boxes can be used anywhere but mostly they are used at windows. You can shift them according to the season from one place to another easily, if they are not too heavy. Window boxes can be of various types. You can even hang some window boxes with the ceiling or on the wall. Container gardening is nothing less than mini gardening and for those who love gardening is a good past time.
Containers or window boxes can be used for variety of plants. You can use them for vegetables or miniature versions of fruit shrubs. There are other forms of containers also available in addition to the window boxes. These are large ports, peat free grow bags, strawberry barrels and so on. You can use them in balcony, backyard or on window sills to add floral beauty to them.