Garden Design By The Senses
Article by John Conti
People ask me all the time what to do with their garden. I can immediately sense their frustration and disappointment. They feel intimidated and disconnected from their landscape. After studying garden magazines and design plans, they still don’t know where to begin. I often hear, “I thought it would be more fun.” I agree. Gardening should be more fun. It should also be more natural. So how do we create these rich, inviting spaces that are both beautiful and personal? Perhaps it’s as simple as putting the gardener back into the garden, the inner gardener who speaks to us through the senses.
What is your preferred sense to enjoy the garden? Close your eyes and think about the word “garden.” What memories, sounds, tastes, scents or images come to mind? Are you inundated with visuals or do you immediately imagine yourself biting into a ripe, red tomato? Maybe you see yourself sipping iced tea in the shade, or smelling roses. Take note of the impressions you receive and compile a list. It’s natural to give your dominant sense first priority. Just remember to include secondary elements to incorporate all of the senses.
Although the visual garden is the most obvious, it doesn’t have to be ordinary. Are you drawn to flowers with bright bold colors or tranquil landscapes with deep shade and minimalism? Maybe youprefer the intricacy and precision of an English formal garden. Sign up for your local garden tour and gather ideas from established gardens. Don’t forget solar lighting, candles and citronella torches to extend your enjoyment. Gardens can be magical at night!
Sound in the garden is often overlooked. For instant gratification, you can install wind chimes or a free standing fountain. To invite singing birds, add birdhouses and a feeder. Consider all-weather speakers if you like to entertain outdoors. You can purchase waterproof speaker systems in the shapes of rocks.
Everyone loves the fragrance of roses in bloom. Consider adding beds of lemon thyme and sage. Try growing moonflower vine on your fence. It blooms at night and has a clean, refreshing scent. Pick up a book on herb gardening, the possibilities are endless. I like to grow rosemary, patchouli and lavender for soap making.
There’s nothing like growing culinary herbs. Many of them can be dried or frozen to enjoy year-round. My favorites are basil and chives. Vegetable gardening is a passion for many. Don’t let a small yard inhibit your plans. I like to mix small vegetable plants among my perennials and annual flowers. You can grow tomatoes and peppers in a planter on your back porch. Small fruit trees are easy to grow and maintain. They add ornamental value as well. Try a dwarf peach or apple variety.
Few people think about the tactile sense while planning a garden. It’s a key element that we take for granted. We may have forgotten how much we enjoyed walking barefoot in the grass as a child. Have you ever stopped to watch people in a garden nursery? You’ll notice people touching pine needles, rubbing leaves or blades of grass. It’s a natural inclination. There are many subtle ways to connect with the sense of touch in the garden.. Think about adding a hammock or porch swing to enjoy the breeze against your skin. I love to use my copper fire pit as often as possible for warmth and ambience on a cool night. Try stargazing in a hot tub. The heat and stimulating jets can sooth aching muscles and rejuvenate the spirit. Anything that makes you feel physically comfortable in the garden can satisfy your sense of touch.
Now that you have an appealing list for inspiration, grab your shovel and get back out there. Indulge the senses, and your inner gardener will emerge.
About the Author
John Conti is a landscaper and publisher of Stella’s Yard | The Soulful Garden. Visit his web site for how to articles, advice and free design plans. Beginners are welcome.
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