Got stress, get gardening
Article by William Hobbs
If you garden to provide yourself with high quality and inexpensive fruits and vegetables, then you are in a large group of people who enjoy this hobby, however gardening can also be therapeutic. It can relax your mind, body and spirit. Your approach to gardening is the secret, if gardening is seen as a chore or work, it can be stressful. If it is seen as an enjoyable undertaking, it can help relieve stress.
The physical tasks involved in gardening, digging, shoveling, lifting and other vigorous physical movements can relieve stress and tension. Your physical activities in your garden can provide stress relief in the same manner as that provided by exercise programs. Other aspects of growing fruits and vegetables, the colours, scents and beauty of the plants that you have grown can also provide a feeling of relaxation and enjoyment.Some tips to have stress free gardening:
Don’t try to do all your tasks in one day, one evening or even one weekend. The growing cycle of plants is over a weekly or monthly time period. Relax and enjoy the gradual growth of the plants from seed to seedling to full grown plant. Make a list of the activities you are going to accomplish and check them off as you complete them. This will provide the satisfaction of accomplishment and enjoyment in completing each task.
Take lots of rest periods. During these times, some moderate stretching can be done and also drink plenty of fluids, water is good for your plants and you.
The physical work in gardening usually requires bending and lifting. Use proper techniques. Squat when required and lift keeping your back straight – bend at your knees, when necessary. Use your legs to lift rather than your back. When something is heavy, wait for some help rather than injuring yourself. If you have to bend over a lot, kneel with one knee on the ground, a small pillow or knee pads is a great support. Remember gardening is for stress relief but must be done safely.
Play your favorite music while you are in the garden. Music is good for you and for your plants.
Children enjoy gardening. Teach them how to garden and they will have a lifelong skill and will also spend valuable time with you. This time will be beneficial for you and for the children.
In today’s society stress is very prevalent and is at an all time high. It is the cause of many diseases and illness. Quiet your mind and calm yourself by practicing gardening and stess relief. Many nursing homes and hospitals have horticultural therapy programs. If it’s good for them it will be good for you if you are experiencing stress in your life.
Enjoy all of the other benefits of gardening. It will provide you with fresh, high quality, inexpensive fruit and vegetables. If you are using a greenhouse, this benefit can be yours all year round. Enjoy this experience with your friends and family. There is nothing better than the fruits and vegetables grown by you in your own garden. Just as sunshine raises our spirits, the vitamin D from these products will help your body remain healthy.
Gardening can be a lifelong hobby and also provide an enjoyable, stress relieving activity. Enjoy your gardening and be safe.
About the Author
William (Bill) Hobbs is an avid gardener, who also enjoys NLP, computers and living a stress free life
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