Grow Backyard Garden Money Tree
Article by Paul Empey
Okay so you are probably thinking exactly what does this mean? Grow backyard garden money tree means that the average family can probably save $ 500 or more by growing a backyard garden. Take note of the price of good vegetables at the market preferably organic you get idea. Big or small a backyard garden will pay off for you and your family, tip stay inside your limits a productive small garden is better than an unproductive larger garden.
Let’s see what vegetables are on your grocery list? Tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, potatoes and onions. For a good start grow what is easy in your area. For the best inside info ask your neighbors and the happy to assist you people at the garden center also try the farmer’s almanac.
Get started right away with creating your own compost with old leaves, vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, potato peelings for your backyard garden this will save a little money also check out the dollar store for some potting soil you may save a few dollars there.
Have a plan. First by starting with the location to grow backyard garden. Choose a location that gets six hours of sunlight every day. Map out your garden. Next you will need to check the soil in you chosen area. Your vegetable garden will only be as good as the soil you plant in this is really important. Is it sandy or full of clay does the water puddle on top and drain slowly? Every new garden will need quality soil preparation next year will be easy just add some compost and you are good to go.
Tomatoes are the sun lover in your garden so map them in the prime spot for six hours of sunlight and warmth. You can germinate your tomatoes in flats using peat moss and compost no garden soil. It is also a good idea to buy tomato plants already started but remember this is about saving money.
Lettuce is one of the easier vegetables to grow they grow best in the same rich loose soil. Plant in full sun or lightly shaded spot. Although they may bolt to seed or develop a bitter taste in high temperatures. So to counter this use heat resistant and bolt resistant varieties. So considering your area you may need to plant in the shady area of your backyard garden.
Carrots no matter how you space the seeds you will need to do some thinning and will grow well in an area where their roots are cool and the tops are warm. The area of your backyard garden shaded by the heat loving plants like tomatoes and peppers is better that way they will get enough sun and the soil won’t overheat.
Potatoes give you a few options you can plant directly in the ground or pots. Or another method is in old tires which may be the better of the three. Find a good area and start with three tires you will go three to four tires high. Fill with your soil plant pieces that has two eyes one in the center and four around the perimeter water and when you see they have started stack on another tire I would do three stacks total nine to twelve tires needed.
Onions you may think you can tuck them away in your garden but they are picky and would do well in a raised bed 4 inches high with a good amount of compost or well rotted weed free manure no matter what kind of soil you have. You can grow onions from seeds sown indoors or direct in to the garden. Onions grown from seed or plants store better than those grown from sets.
Well that covers your grocery list for a fresh salad. Deciding to grow backyard garden will save you money. Plus you and your family will end up eating the best tasting chemical free vegetables ever.
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