Having an Herb Garden Plan Gaurantees You’ll Hve Fresh Herbs Regularly

Having an Herb Garden Plan Gaurantees You’ll Hve Fresh Herbs Regularly

Article by Mary Chandler

When growing your herb garden, there really is no limit to the breadth and style of your garden layout other than space limitations and time required to tend to it. Still, it’s a sound idea to have an herb garden plan in place before fully committing yourself to this rewarding hobby. The garden layout you choose can always be adjusted at a later time, after sunlight and growing patterns have been determined.

Whatever you decide on, following a basic principles and guidelines will leverage whatever space and attention you have available. Identifying specific herb plants you’ll be most likely to use, and adding some container herbs that tend to take over and crowd out other plants, will allow you to grow quite a generous herbal bounty while using relatively little space.

For ease of use and access, try growing your herb garden as close to your cooking area as possible, whether performing outdoor or indoor gardening. To determine outdoor locations, try to find areas close to the kitchen door that receive at least a half-day of direct sunlight. The closer to the home the better as nearby proximity will encourage the continued use of your herbal garden, especially if the weather is not ideal. Or the situation may arise that your food needs attention and there is not a lot of time to harvest that night’s culinary herb choices. Consider integrating a formal type area with paths or walkways that allow easy access to your garden bedding for harvesting purposes.

Though herbs, like most plants, need decent soil and adequate drainage, for culinary herbs it may be better o choose a convenient spot close to the cooking area over the ideal gardening spot in terms of growing conditions. Once again, ease of use is of most importance.

Given the desire for convenience in herb garden planning, some areas to consider include dirt area’s around any sidewalks or walkways. By their very nature, these lend themselves to easy access. Incidentally, this often where grass or dirt already exists so why not spruce it up a notch with an herb garden. Even more conducive an area is right by the kitchen door. This is where herb gardens have been traditionally grown throughout the years for obvious reasons.

Raised beds are another option. These are good as they stay above the fray of everyday activities, especially in high-traffic areas. A good tip here is to keep the tallest herb plants in the center area with a broad variety ringing the perimeter.

Of course, if you have a patio or deck area, then container herb gardening is more in order. Using pots and containers provides the ultimate in flexibility since they an be moved around as desired and even moved indoors should the situation call for it, such as periods of intemperate weather.

Having an herb garden is easy to do but it’s a good idea to have a plan in place so once you start it, you’ll use it frequently and for a long time because it will be user friendly with convenient access.

Herb garden plans are of great assistance to the beginning herb gardener contemplating about where to place their pending herb garden. For more about herb gardens and planning them visit TheHerbGardenExpert.com

About the Author

Mary Chandler loves herbs, herb gardens, and sharing tips and techniques to grow and enjoy herbs everyday possible.

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