Helpful Hints For Garden Design
Gardens are like homes in that they can have many different atmospheres or styles. The garden design may have historical influences or develop as a result of regional aspects. While not copying an idea slavishly, they can provide inspiration and be adapted to any particular site.
When creating a style in your garden, be sensitive to the scale and mood of the surrounding buildings and landscape. Observe the relationship between different elements of the house such as windows and doors when defining their relationship with garden elements such as flower beds, trees, pools and so on. It’s also important to get the proportions of the garden elements in sync as well.
You can create and change perspectives by playing with the horizontal and vertical lines of different areas such as terraces, paths and beds. To make the garden seem longer, accentuate vertical lines, and to make it seem wider do the same with the horizontals.
Skillful placement of trees and tall shrubs can enhance the effects. You can also draw attention to a particular spot, either inside or outside the territory, by manipulating lines and curves.
Any materials used in the construction of paths, paved areas or fencing etc. should blend in with the house and its surroundings. If you find it hard deciding what is appropriate, look at the problem from the other side. Decide what is inappropriate, and by a process of deduction, you should arrive at a favorable solution. Try to reflect the interior design of the house in color and style. That makes the two parts seem as one and provides a very soothing view.
In all of this, do not forget how you relate to the plot. Your garden should reflect your own personality.
If you are an informal, relaxed type, you’ll be happy to have plants that overflow bed edges and so on, while if you are of a tidy nature, you’ll want everything just so and neat. Also, don’t forget about practical requirements. A person with a young family will want something different from a couple who are retired. For example, a large pond would suit the tranquility of the latter, but be dangerous for the former.
You also need to consider the maintenance aspect both in time and volume of work. If your time is limited, trees, shrubs, ground cover and perennials are the answer. If you have more than ample time, you can enjoy the delights that annuals and more specialized specimens can bring.
When it comes to planting, keep it simple. It is too easy to crowd out a small area with too many different varieties. This can give a cluttered look. For a simpler, more refined look, limit the species in number and type.
Read lots of catalogues and look at other gardens before making any final decisions. The time spent researching will save a lot of backache and disappointment later on. When you think you know what you want, put it all down on paper in a scale drawing. That way, you will get a good idea as to what works and what doesn’t, before wasting any time and money.