by ewsisphotos
Herb Gardening Tips and Advice For A Great Herb Garden
Herb gardening is a popular hobby for those who want to grow plants in a small area. They’re pretty much the easiest things to grow and can be a rewarding hobby for gardening enthusiasts.
An herb garden can be grown in a planter hung outside of your window if you happen to live in an apartment building where growing a large garden is prohibited. To start your own herb garden, you’ll need to decide which kind you want to grow.
There are herbs that are used in cooking, herbs that are grown for their aromatic scents, ornamental herbs to beautify a room and the medicinal types of herbs. You’ll want to research the different types of herbs you could grow.
Each herb is different and requires different means of care and they can grow at different times as others. Some are grown perennially while others will grow biennially. Some may need more sun than others, so study up and be informed before planting your herb garden.
Some of the herbs used for cooking seem to do better when started indoors and then taken outside. Use a spacious pot and make sure there’s ample soil in it. Use fertilized soil because this gives them the extra nutrients they need to help them grow healthy.
Should you grow your plants from seeds, make sure you read the package that the seeds come in. There will be specific instructions you need to follow to grow your garden.
Those instructions are there for a reason, so if you want healthy herb plants, take care of them according to the seed packet instructions. If you’re using seeds to start your garden, make sure you move them to ample sunlight when the seedlings appear.
Most herbs will require humidity, so you may need to spray water in the area around the seedlings, using a spray bottle. Don’t use a hose or spray the seedlings directly. They’re fragile at this stage.
When the seedlings grow heartier and their leaves grow too close to another herb plant, make sure you trim those leaves back and keep the space between the plants to ensure all receive the proper nutrients they need to grow.
Prepare the herb plants before transplanting them outside. They may not thrive with a drastic change in temperature. Take the pot outdoors for a little while a few times a day and then increase the time they’re outside for a few days before transplanting them outside permanently.
Herb plants are easy to take care of and there’s very little insect problems to worry about. Beginners as well as advanced gardeners can benefit from this hobby of growing herbs – especially if you personally use the herbs that you work so hard to grow.
With proper care and a little patience, you can grow your own herb garden no matter what your living conditions are. Your herbs will take some time to grow, so just enjoy the benefits your herb garden contributes to your life.