Home Beauty and Safety with Garden Solar Lights

by Ennor

Home Beauty and Safety with Garden Solar Lights

Article by Stewart Ames

For many years porch lights and outside lighting have been taken for granted. The price of electrical power has eliminated many of those floodlights and porch lights as costs are cut wherever possible. Surprisingly enough, many people tried a solar light to take advantage of the sun’s power to make power. It worked, and a whole new world was created as garden solar lights became a way of lighting paths at night.

Open the solar light box. Read the package and user’s manual for instructions about charging the battery. It is very important to let the battery get a full charge from the sun before switching on the light. If there is no switch, the garden lights might glow before they are finished being assembled. Sometimes there is a tag that needs pulled out so the battery will charge.

There are many different types of garden solar lights available for purchase. One of the most popular varieties actually is flush with the ground when it is placed in the garden. That type of light is good for the perimeter of the garden, since it does not have the tendency to trip people while it is level with the ground.

Garden solar lights can be reviewed online, with notes made about the ones that seem to the best choices for the garden. The garden area and differences in ground level will help determine the number and type of lights desired. Ground level lights have already been placed. The next set of garden lights can be the type with a soft glow. Lights are available in a white or amber color, and can be placed around the garden in a staggered pattern.

A pathway through the garden can be outlined by placing 2-foot-high tubular lights along the path. The light spills out from the top of these attractive garden solar lights and illuminates the pathway so it can be traveled safely at night.

Bushes and shrubs can be decorated with strings of colored, twinkling garden solar lights. What a cheerful scene when you drive in late at night and see the smile-causing lights blinking hello. This type of light is usually linked to a main solar panel that is staked in the ground in a sunny location to collect the energy needed to run the system.

A bench or other type of sitting area in the garden can be lit by using hanging lamps. Wrought iron poles with hooks to hold the lamps are placed next to each side, and perhaps behind, the bench. Hang the garden solar lights so the sitting area is lit near the feet and across the bench.

During the late winter and early spring, a bevy of special garden solar lights will be available. Sometimes it might be a ceramic turtle with eyes than glow, or colored tulips that give off a light the color of their petals. Watch for blinking stars in June, ideal for the Fourth of July. Solar jack-o-lanterns add a bit of festivity to the garden around Halloween.

The solar lights will help keep wild animals away, in addition to deterring any wandering strangers. A well-lit house is a safer house, and affordable because of the free energy from the sun.

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