Organic Rose Gardening – Chemical Or Nonchemical Fertilizers?
When it comes to organic rose gardening, deciding on a chemical or nonchemical fertilizer is each gardener’s choice. Those who participate in organic gardening may use either option, and the methods for using those fertilizers that will best suit their overall style of gardening. Organic gardening is based on balance and using nonchemical ways of keeping a garden healthy. Some chemical fertilizers can be bad for any pets or children playing in a garden as well as harming the soil for the future of the garden. Organic rose gardening has many fungicides that cure common rose diseases, they can get rid of the helpful fungi as well. This is one of the main reasons organic gardening is now so popular; they seek ways of keeping the garden healthy now and in the future.
Organic rose gardening is a task that must be undertaken all year long. There are no times throughout the year where your roses are safe from any number of diseases or problems, therefore organic rose gardening is a lifestyle change as well. This in itself will help you to decide whether or not to use chemical fertilizers.
One of the most popular organic fertilizers in use is cow, sheep or horse manure. This is considered a complete fertilizer that includes organic matter but little food. This is normally used in the mulch or soil amendments in organic gardening. However, even though it is good for organic gardening, it can burn the plants if it is too fresh. Knowing how old your manure is will help greatly. Guano is also popular from bats, as it offers many rich nutrients for roses. It is powdery in form but can be used at any point in the year as a spray for the foliage. Bone meal is a great way of adding phosphate and calcium for organic gardening practitioners. This is known to promote stronger roots and blooms and can be used for all types of roses.
Chemical fertilizers in organic gardening can also have good effects. There are three types to choose from to include nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic. These chemical fertilizers are generally not used in organic rose gardening as they create rose dust after use in most cases. Many gardening experts do not use any type of fertilizers on their organic rose gardening area. They simply allow the roses to flow and prosper on their own, while still otherwise pruning and caring for them.
Those who practice organic gardening generally do not use any type of chemicals to feed or fertilize their gardens. This is to keep the integrity of the roses and soil, as well as prevent damage to other areas of the garden due to run off. However, using chemical fertilizers will help your roses to grow just as well as organic means. It is ultimately up to the gardener as to how to fertilize.