The Answer to Small Gardening Space: Container Gardening
If you are a garden enthusiast, then living in a city may be difficult for you especially if you have only a small space for gardening. But do not be discouraged;container gardening is the solution to your problem! Yes, you heard it right. Container gardening is ideal for people who want to have their very own garden and yet only have small spaces in their homes.
I have a friend who at one time lived in the rural countryside. She had a flourishing garden but had to leave for business. She stayed in the city for quite a while due to her work and she badly missed gardening. When I had the occasion to visit, I brought some small plants in pots to keep in her small veranda. Even though she was living in a highrise urban condo, she had the opportunity to again do what she loves, thanks to the wonders of container gardening!
The beauty of it is that container gardening is designed for houses with limited spaces. You can grow vegetables and enjoy gardening even without a garden plot! It is also less expensive and requires less effort than lawn gardening. If you have lots of containers in your house then you may even use them as your pots!
One of the tips we usually give is to use large containers that have large openings, making it easier for you to plant and giving the plants more space to grow. It also helps when you plan to plant more than one variety in a pot. Another thing is that you have to have proper drainage in these pots. Watering is essential for a plant’s growth but in container gardening there is a risk of overwatering, so make sure your containers have proper drainage. Put some holes around the container to ensure proper drainage.
Container gardening is less prone to plant diseases and infestation but you also have to take precautions: keep the area clean; always inspect your plants for symptoms of diseases or infestation; always disinfect the tools that you used in handling infected plants. Always remember that your potted plants are still gardens in their little sense which is why you have to give them the same attention as you would a lawn garden.
Though container gardening requires less effort, you have to give your plants the right attention that they need. Be diligent and always look after your plants and they will look after you. Happy gardening!
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