Tips For Creating a Wonderful Indoor Herb Garden
Cooking meals with fresh ingredients has several positive benefits. First and probably most important is the taste. Some individuals, particularly children, can be pretty picky when it comes to what they’ll eat. Parents want to prepare healthy meals that taste great and with an indoor herb garden that’s easily done.
If you’ve ever visited the grocery store in search of fresh oregano, mint or rosemary you know how pricey it can be. All too often people forgo the fresh variety and instead settle on a bottle of the dried herb. If you do this you are losing all the nutritional value of the herb not to mention the burst of flavor fresh provides. An indoor herb garden can fit into any space and it saves the cook a lot of money.
Don’t believe for a second that you need a green thumb to be able to grow your own fresh herbs at home. You don’t. You simply need a really sunny spot to place the indoor herb garden, some water, a few simple instructions and some tender loving care.
Purchasing the plants when they are already sprouting is one approach that many people take. The reason these fit well into an indoor herb garden is that you can usually begin using the herb within a few days or weeks. Most garden centers will have a healthy selection of plants that are ideal for an indoor herb garden. The best time of year to buy them is during the spring and summer months.
Some people decide to jump onto the fresh cooking bandwagon once winter rolls around. If you decide in the frozen cold of November that you want to begin growing some herbs inside you can. Many websites offer year-round availability of plants that can be used in an indoor herb garden. You simply pay to have them shipped right to your home. Once they arrive you will have an already growing indoor herb garden that you can enjoy throughout the winter and the rest of the year too.
A less expensive route but one that requires a lot of patience is planting the seeds and growing the plants yourself. This simply requires pots, potting soil and the seeds. If you enjoy gardening to this degree and you are not in any rush to enjoy your indoor herb garden, this can be a rewarding approach.
Regardless of which approach you ultimately take you can certainly take advantage of the warmth of the summer sun and put your indoor herb garden outside for a few weeks. This won’t harm the plants in the least as long as you bring them back indoors before the frost arrives.
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