Gardens, Garden Tips 10
Hi everyone
The cold weather has now arrived, although it is still warmer than it should be at this time of year. It is also a lot dryer too and that has allowed us to catch up with our workload.
Rusty our dog has been enjoying himself with this good weather out in the garden. He has been taking advantage of my wife Sandra because of the dry warm spell she has been outside in the garden. This means he has been able to have his ball thrown for him to chase. One happy and content dog, also he does have a walk every day around the village when weather permits.
Sandra is going to Egypt shortly for seven days to help her chest as she suffers from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). I must admit until my wife was diagnosed with COPD I had no idea what it was. The long and the short of it, is that she has lung damage due to pneumonia that she had when she was a child and until quite recently did not know there was a problem.
COPD is the number five Killer Disease in the world and a lot of people are never diagnosed until it is too late. This does not stop Sandra from doing jobs in the garden or general things but alters the way she does them. If you would like more information on COPD go to
We have been absolutely thrilled with our experiment of planting runner beans in pots late in the season when the beans planted in the garden were coming to an end as it was a complete success. We are eating fresh tender beans now and for probably for another two weeks at least.
If you want to read more about what we did with the beans see previous Gardens, Garden Tips articles
Garden Tips
You should have done all your pruning and cutting back in the garden by now, but if you have not there is still time. This is also a good time to prepare the garden areas for next year by digging over all the bare ground ready for next years planting. It will pay you to dig in some good old manure that will nourish the ground.
A good garden tip if you do not want to mess around with wheel barrowing the manure to the garden is to buy some tubs of chicken pellets and spread them over the surface before digging (a real back saver).
The lawns are still growing but at a slower rate. Do not be scared to give them a cut as it will make them look good and will not waste their energy in maintaining the extra length in the plant. Make sure any leaves are raked, blown, vacuumed, brushed or lawn mowed up and then put on the compost heap.
Keep reading Gardens, Garden Tips
Ted & Sandra
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