Stephanie Rowland asks: For all u gardening “experts”, what are the best ways to garden and what about compost?
Also what is the right way to conpost?
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Answer by plantguy2010
Organic gardening is the best way to go if at all possible. this is when you don’t use any chemicals to control weeds or pests in the garden. Compost can be touchy to much added to the soil isn’t good it can be to strong and end up killing the plants it was intended to grow. Not enough and you will not provide the nutrients that the plants need.
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Well this is a very broad question!
Umm… Best way to garden… Well I HIGHLY advise against the square foot gardening method. I feel that gardening shouldn’t be that precise, and not every plant should have to be put in a square foot.
I use raised beds… Mine are with typical house brick, 4 bricks in height, and about 5 feet by 4 feet. I usually put a weed cloth or some kind of blocker down before putting down the bed so that nothing from the ground can interfere with my garden. The weeds, and Texas’ poor soil quality, is why I don;t plant in the ground. Raised beds are also, well, raised, so it’s easier to reach and manage.
Now composting! Composting is great! I find those newer bins that are put on those little brackets that let you rotate the bin, a great invention. They are usually at least $ 100, but SO EASY! You could though for composting just get a garbage can with a locking lid, put small ventilation holes in it, and roll it on the ground every few days.
Now for the actual compost, you want to only put ORGANIC matter. No plastics, or anything like that even if it is ‘biodegradable’. The best way is to put a layer down of BROWN things, like dead leaves or pine needles, then a layer of GREEN, like yard clippings, left over lettuce from dinner last night, etc….
These are just my personal opinions…
Good luck!
Ruth Stout’s NO_WORK GARDEN BOOK is worthwhile reading. It is published by Bantam Books, Inc.; 414 East Golf Rd; Des Plains, Ill. 60016. The sixth printing was in 1975 but, it may still be available. My book seller was Rodale Press, Inc.; Book Division; Emmaus, Pennsylvania 18049. This tell you how to make compost without the compost bin.This method really works, if you don’t mind not having a manicured garden.