Herb Gardens For Beginners

Herb Gardens For Beginners

Starting your own home garden can be daunting; it’s hard to decide which herbs to choose from. Before you actually buy a seed or plant, you should study each herb so that you won’t have a hard time in taking care of them. Herb gardens for beginners aren’t too bad if you do your homework first.

You should choose an herb that won’t require much of your time. You can check in various supermarkets or garden centers about the seeds and plants they sell, most seeds are properly labeled so you will not have a hard time figuring out what seed to plant. The plants usually have a label giving care information on it too so you can check that out before you buy.

There are also cookbooks that offer information about different kinds of growing herbs; they are biased towards the culinary herbs such as basil and parsley or chives but even so they can be a good source of information for you.

You can start choosing your seeds or plants using the following guide:
• Strong herbs—sage savory & rosemary
• Herbs strong enough for accent—mint, basil, thyme
• Herbs for blending—chives, parsley

With these, you can start your herb gardening. You can increase your stock later on as the need arises. As your knowledge increases, you can add variety to your herbs.

You can use the following guide so that you can understand which types of herbs to buy to fully enjoy herb gardening:
• Annuals—bloom one season and die (anis, basil, coriander)
• Biennials—live two season and bloom on the second season only (parsley)
• Perennials—during winter time, it blooms each season once it is established( chives, fennel, mint, tarragon, thyme, savory)

By taking note of these things, you will grow much better herbs.

Do take note of their life expectancies. You may be wondering later on why they do not live longer, as a guide each herb has their own way of living. A garden area of 6×4 feet can be enough for a kitchen garden. You can grow herbs which you can mix up and use with different cuisines; this can save you a lot of money too because most herbs in the supermarket are expensive, especially when they are organically grown.

You should also consider the soil and fertility. It’s hard to grow an herb garden when your soil isn’t very well fertilized to nourish the plants. You should also take note that highly fertilized soils do not add much flavor to an herb, so getting the balance right is important for your herbs as over fertilizing can destroy the flavor of the herbs. Most herbs can be easily grown in pots in any part of the house. You should consider cutting from time to time to make room for growing. Most herbs do need pruning every now and then or they will overtake the garden or pot.

Gardening can bring a lot of fun especially to beginners who are very inclined to grow different kinds of plants. It is also a good way to relieve stress. Planting can be a nice hobby, if you don’t have enough knowledge to do this; all you need is a green finger and a good guide and this will help you grow plants very well. Taking care of them is just like taking care of people, they need to be pampered and nourished from time to time.

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