rose_faeri asks: how to get my rosebush blooming?
I love roses, but I hate them at the same time. If I’m not careful while watering my rosebush, or if wind and storm comes along, every last stinkin petal on every single bloom falls right off. And bugs keep eating the leaves and the petals wilt and shrivel up, and the bush looks terrible. Is there anything that could at least kill the bugs, and can you reccomend a good sturdy rosebush that wont fall to peices at any slight gust? also, half of it died over the winter. This is the second year for that rosebush. I had another that I had planted last year that died during the winter
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Answer by keikoasmom
Roses are vry complex creatures. Our neighbors (who don’t like to talk to anyone) just planted 3 rosebushes where their four evergreens just died. So sad. They have stuck them in the ground (sand soil) with no mulch, very little water, and terrible soil it is, too!
The roses need a lot of mulch, loamy soil, lots of moisture but soil that drains, not swampy.
There are a lot of bug killing chemicals, you should ask at your local garden center or do research online to see the different products. I don’t like chemicals, so I buy most prodcts from “Gardens Alive” the people who make Lawns Alive organic fertilizer.
Also, roses need to be trimmed back in the fall, but not too much, anygood rose website will show how, them pile the soil and mulch up to protect them during the winter.
Some of my roses enjoy neglect, I have them planted right next to the mint, and they seem to like the “companion gardening” aspect. (that’s from Organic Gardening Magazine-they have a good website too, I think) just do some research, and you should have lots of happy roses before you know it!
Or….. you could switch to sunflowers!
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Sounds like you either have a very finicky rose variety or it’s planted in a location that is unsuitable.
Roses aren’t that tough to grow provided you start with a good plant and a locally adapted variety. Generally speaking, the hybrid tea type roses with fluted buds are rather persnickety, require a lot of pruning, tons of food and water, plus an ideal location. They can be vulnerable to diseases and do not adapt well to hot winds.
There are new ever-blooming rose varieties that are much easier to grow and forgiving of marginal locations. Among these are the Knock Out, Carefree, and Flower Carpet groups which should stand up to your conditions quite well. These were developed to be treated like any ordinary shrub in the landscape.
At the other end of the spectrum are the old roses, which have remained in cultivation since ancient times because they are so tough. High bred roses like pure bred animals tend to develop a lot of weaknesses due to their specialized genetics. Hybrid tea roses are like that. But if you go back to the early varieties you’ll find them so tough they have naturalized, often in graveyards, all across America.
Some articles linked below will help you better understand how the type of rose you choose can have a huge impact on how vulnerable it can be in the garden.