by **Mary**
snowy_gush_gush asks: What can I do about my gardening difficulties?
what r some organic pest controls that I can use for fruits and vegetables; that I can easily make myself?
And what’s the best wire to use to put around my plants, so I can protect them from animals?
The answer voted best is:
Answer by Mabelina
Hello, for organic pest controls, I use
1 cup dish soap (lemon scent) pour into a hose end sprayer, then add about 2 cups water. Spray on plants, its harmless. The bugs hate soap. If its really bad there is a book by Jerry Baker called “Secrets from the Jerry Baker Test Gardens”. I love that book, it has so many tips especially for all natural gardens. Also for protection around your garden, I would use chicken wire and make sure to support it a little. Good Luck! Hope it helps.
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